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Thursday, February 24, 2011

mlm ini - 24.02.11

mlm ni.. satu mlm yg penuh bmakna buat diri sy..
mlm ini beliau bnar2 mnyedarkan diri sy..
ya Allah.. aku bsyukur pdmu...
segalanya krn motivation talk by dr.S

"you're trash... yes, you're trash.."
1 ungkapan yg bleh wat sesape pun rs kecil hati kan??
sume yg ade d dewan tu senyap x tkata..
tp bg sy, ungkapan tu la yg mmbuat sy sedar dmana sy skrg..
sy sntiasa leka dan lupa tggjawab sy sbg pelajar..
that's why pointer sy x dpt nk cpai 3.5 n above...
what i got only between range of 3.00..
never get more than 3.40
kate motivator tu lg, 
"klau kte stakat dpt pointer around 3.00 je, 
jgn nk hrap la dpt keja yg ok nnt.. u'll hv a dark future you know.. 
and 1 more bcoz we're malay.. 
it's hard for us my dear students..
we hv to compete with other races..
which hv a brighter future than all of u here..
bcoz they got better result.. most of them get more than u all do..
so, u hv to improve urself.. it is not too late for u all to do this..
don't just focusing on study..
it will make u bored with it..

u can involve in any event u want,in this campus..
make ur life interesting.. 
do whatever u want to do..
but don't forget ur role as a student..
ur responsibility..
if u get 3.8 and above.. u'll have not to pay ur ptptn..
it will be free for u.. 
and the most important thing, u'll hv a better career for ur future..
so,as a conclusion, wake up darling.. build up your target..
wishing all the best for everyone..
dan jgn sesekali anda lupe pd Allah..
ikhlaskan dirimu kpdNya..."

ok.. tu sebahagian kndungan talk td..
i'm very thankful to yg maha esa..
and also the motivator.. 
now, i'm realised, ape pun yg tjadi,
kita mesti igt pdNya.. DIA YG MAHA ESA..
yg sedia mmbantu kta setiap saat, setiap detik..
jgn sekali melupakannya..
~sesungguhnya cinta aku hanya pdNya..~

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